Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Films & Resources

The rights of children and young people

This page include resources to support the rights of children and young people with learning disabilities to reasonable adjustments across settings, so they can enjoy the best of life and reach their full potential.

Watch our four short films below by Dr Celia Harbottle who is a freelance lecturer and trainer in Health and Social Care who explains:

  • What does the Mental Capacity Act mean for parents of children and young people with a learning disability?
  • What do Deprivation of Liberty Standards mean for parents?
  • What are Liberty Protection Safeguards?
  • What would be your key messages you’d like parent of children and young people with a learning disability really understand in relation to the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty?

We also have a range of resources available in our resources section below about:

  • Disability discrimination in schools
  • Reasonable adjustments
  • Environmental challenges
  • Accessing transport
  • Enjoying arts, leisure and sporting activities