CETR stands for Care, Education and Treatment Review

This is a review that is focused on

  • Children and young people
  • Who either have been admitted, or may be about to be admitted to a specialist mental health / learning disability hospital

A CETR is a meeting that brings together

  • The child/young person and their family
  • People who commission and provide services (e.g. nurses, social workers, commissioners and other health, education and social care professionals)
  • An independent clinical adviser
  • An expert adviser who will be someone with lived experience of having a learning disability or autism or a family carer.

CETRs are part of the NHS Transforming Care programme but the local authority and education services should be involved. This is to make sure that the review looks at the care, education and treatment of the child or young person with a learning disability, autism or both and their families.

The CETR should review the child or young person’s care, education and treatment. It should be focused on them getting better and being discharged from hospital (or avoiding a hospital admission) and getting the right support to live well in the community.

It checks that your child is safe and getting the right care for them, that they have good care plans for the future and that any problems with their health, safety or care get sorted out.

CETRs should be based on

  • Human rights – the child or young person and family take part in discussions and share decision making; everyone has the same rights; people are empowered to know and claim their rights; if a person’s human rights are not being upheld this will be recorded and action taken
  • Person-centeredness – the review should be focused on the child or young person. They will all follow the same format, but it should be clear what is unique about the child or young person and what they need to be safe and well
  • Co-production – everyone in the meeting should have equal status and their skills, knowledge and experience should be recognised and respected.

See our resources section below for more information.